Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

Labradorite Necklace Care Tips

by Ryan Barrett

Labradorite can be a beautiful stone that can make it well-suited to providing individuals with an eyecatching highlight for their necklace. As with other beautiful pieces of jewelry, individuals must effectively care for these items. Otherwise, they could find that their necklace's appearance deteriorates.

Clean The Labradorite To Retain Its Shine And Luster

Regularly cleaning the labradorite will be one of the most important steps for keeping the appearance of the jewelry looking as good as possible. This will remove oil and dust that could reduce the sheen of this stone so that it may not be as attractive. When cleaning the labradorite, you will want to limit yourself to only use soap and water. This will avoid the risk of discoloring the stone with harsh cleaning substances. Also, you should be mindful to only use a microfiber cloth when cleaning the labradorite as this will be needed to avoid scuffing it. Individuals that use abrasive pads can accidentally leave deep marks in this stone.

Protect The Labradorite From Scratches

When you are not wearing the labradorite necklace, it should be stored in a way that will reduce the risk of it suffering scratches as much as possible. Labradorite is a relatively soft stone, which can make it easily susceptible to scratches from diamonds and other extremely hard stones. Whenever you are storing these necklaces with other pieces of jewelry, you should wrap the labradorite in a soft cloth so that it will be protected against scraping against other pieces of jewelry. Some people may try to use plastic wrap or bags for this, but this may cause problems due to condensation and other moisture that could get in the bag with the necklace.

Regularly Inspect The Clasp Of Your Labradorite Necklace

One of the more common problems that people will have with any type of necklace will be the clasp of it failing at an inopportune time. This can lead to a higher risk of the necklace falling and getting trapped in an area where it can not be reached. Periodically checking the clasp of the necklace will be ane effective way of reducing the risk of this threat. When you are checking the clasp, you will want to look for signs of it warping or otherwise not fitting together properly. If you notice this developing with the necklace, you should have the clasp replaced as quickly as possible. A jewelry repair service will be able to do this quickly and for a relatively low fee so that your necklace can avoid its clasp failing. 


About Me

Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

I have always loved getting ready and looking my best, but a few months ago, I realized that I was starting to look a little dated. A lot of my clothes were from twenty years before, and my jewelry just screamed "older." I wanted to look how I felt on the inside, so I started looking around for a great business to purchase jewelry from. I was able to find a great company that met my budget and had the kind of styling I loved, and it was incredible to update my look. This blog is here to help you to invest in great jewelry pieces that you will love forever.
