Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

How To Care For Your Diamond Wedding Band

by Ryan Barrett

A diamond wedding band is a beautiful, timeless piece of jewelry that symbolizes your love and commitment. With proper care, your diamond wedding band will last a lifetime. Here are five tips to help you keep your diamond wedding band looking as beautiful as the day your partner proposed.

Tip #1: Get Your Diamond Wedding Band Insured

As soon as you get your diamond wedding band ring, be sure to insure it. This will protect your diamond wedding band in case it is ever lost, stolen, or damaged. Many homeowners' or renter's insurance policies cover jewelry, but only up to a certain value. Be sure to check your policy or call your agent to add your diamond wedding band to your coverage. You can also purchase a separate insurance policy rider for just your jewelry.

Tip #2: Store Your Diamond Wedding Ring Safely

When you take your diamond ring off, be sure to store it in a safe place. A jewelry box with a padded interior or a fabric-lined case is ideal. You should also avoid storing your diamond ring with other pieces of jewelry, as this can cause scratching.

Tip #3: Clean Your Diamond Wedding Ring Regularly

Your diamond ring will inevitably get dirty with daily wear. To clean it, simply soak the ring in a solution of mild dish soap and warm water. You can use a soft-bristled brush on the diamond and setting if necessary. Then, rinse the ring thoroughly with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth. It's best to clean your ring once a week to keep it sparkling like new.

Tip #4: Have Your Diamond Ring Inspected Annually

Even if you take good care of your diamond ring, it's important to have it inspected by a professional jeweler at least once a year. They will check for loose stones and wear on the setting and prongs. It's also a good idea to use this opportunity to have your ring professionally cleaned by your jeweler to keep your ring looking its best.

Tip #5: Remove Your Ring When Doing Chores or Playing Sports

Removing your diamond wedding band ring before doing any chores or participating in sports is best to prevent damage to the setting or prongs and avoid getting soap, dirt, or perspiration on the stone itself.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your diamond wedding band looking new for many years to come. Talk to your jeweler if you have any questions about caring for your ring. 

For more information, contact a local company like Gruno's Diamonds.


About Me

Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

I have always loved getting ready and looking my best, but a few months ago, I realized that I was starting to look a little dated. A lot of my clothes were from twenty years before, and my jewelry just screamed "older." I wanted to look how I felt on the inside, so I started looking around for a great business to purchase jewelry from. I was able to find a great company that met my budget and had the kind of styling I loved, and it was incredible to update my look. This blog is here to help you to invest in great jewelry pieces that you will love forever.
