Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

  • 5 Things to Consider When Designing a Custom Engagement Ring

    Deciding it is time to propose marriage is a big step in your relationship. After making this decision, you may begin the process of shopping for an engagement ring. Visit any local jewelry store and you will find an enormous selection of rings, in various shapes, sizes, and prices. Due to this large selection, finding one that suits your future spouse's personality and your budget can be challenging. Thankfully, designing a custom engagement ring will ensure your loved one receives a beautiful piece of jewelry without spending a fortune.

  • Four Tips For Selling Coins And Jewelry From A Family Member's Estate

    If a family member has passed away and left valuable coins and jewelry in your possession, you might be considering selling some or all of those items. After all, if you're not interested in collecting coins or wearing jewelry yourself, you'd be better off exchanging them for money you can use to buy something you do enjoy or need -- right? Selling family heirlooms is rarely an easy decision or a simple process, but with the tips below, you can make it somewhat less difficult.

  • Meaningful Gift Ideas for the Harry Potter Fanatic in Your Life

    If you have a loved one who is an avid Harry Potter fan, you have a wide wealth of gift options available to you. If you really want to give a meaningful, Harry Potter–themed gift this holiday season, consider some of the following gift ideas.  Jewelry Because many Harry Potter fans are now young adults, a nice way to honor their Potter passion is to choose jewelry that is reflects the books without being too immature.

  • About Me

    Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

    I have always loved getting ready and looking my best, but a few months ago, I realized that I was starting to look a little dated. A lot of my clothes were from twenty years before, and my jewelry just screamed "older." I wanted to look how I felt on the inside, so I started looking around for a great business to purchase jewelry from. I was able to find a great company that met my budget and had the kind of styling I loved, and it was incredible to update my look. This blog is here to help you to invest in great jewelry pieces that you will love forever.
